javascript - how to dojo button background invisible or remove? -

i`m trying put image in place of dojo button. able add image, background, but, outline of button visible. want ot show image only. should do?

my code follows.


.editbuttonwidgetimage {     background-image: url("editbutton/images/edit.png");     background-position: center;     background-repeat: no-repeat;     height: 25px;     width: 25px; } 


var infotablecontainer = dojo.create("div", null, map.container);      var x = 200 - map.position.x;     var y = 50 - map.position.y;      this.infotable = new floatingpane({         title : "<b>editor</b>",         resizable: true,         dolayout: true,         dockable: false,         closable: true,         //constraintocontainer: true,         'class': "editwidgetcontainer",         style: "left:"+x+"px;top:"+y+"px;padding:0px"     }, infotablecontainer);     //dojo.attr(infotable, 'class', 'tableinfowidgetcontainer'); //ie8에서 class 예약어 처리로 인해 변경      dojo.connect(this.infotable, 'close', lang.hitch(this, function() {         //this.infotable.destroy();         //console.log('infogrid (infotable.destroy)=',this.infogrid);         if (this.infogrid) {             //this.infogrid.destroyrecursive(true);             this.infogrid.destroy();             this.infogrid = null;             this.infogrid = undefined;         }          this.infotable = null;         this.infotable = undefined;     }));      //border생성     var border = new bordercontainer({         gutters: false,         design: 'headline',         style: "height:100%;width:100%;"     })      //검색옵션 생성     var cpt = contentpane({         region: "top",         title: "검색 옵션",         style: "height:auto;width:100%;"     });      this.cboservice = new combobox({         title: '서비스 : ',         searchattr: "svc_nm",         style: "width:120px;"     });      this.cbolayer = new combobox({         searchattr: "lyr_nm",         style: "width:120px;"     });      var btnresult = new button({         iconclass : "editbuttonwidgetimage",         style: "width:40px;margin-left:4px;"     });'<label class="widget_field_label" style=width:70px; >편집대상 :&nbsp;</label>', cpt.domnode);     cpt.addchild(this.cboservice);'<label class="widget_field_label" style=width:80px;>참조레이어 :&nbsp;</label>', cpt.domnode);     cpt.addchild(this.cbolayer);     cpt.addchild(btnresult);      border.addchild(cpt);      border.placeat(this.infotable.containernode);     border.startup();      this.infotable.startup(); 

enter image description here

if using "dijit/form/button" include following class , see result.

here have overridden button class. make sure limit scope specific button only.

.claro .dijitbutton .dijitbuttonnode {     background-color: transparent;     border: none;     box-shadow: none; } 


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