Akka.Net cluster singleton - handover not occurs when current singleton node shutdown unexpectedly -

i'm trying akka.net cluster tools, in order use singleton behavior , seems work perfectly, when current singleton node "host" leaves cluster in gracefully way. if shutdown host node, handover not occur.


i'm building system composed 4 nodes (initially). 1 of nodes "workers coordinator" , responsible monitor data database and, when necessary, submit jobs other workers. thinking subscribe cluster events , use role leader changing event make actor (on leader node) become coordinator, think cluster singleton better choice in case.

working sample (but if gracefully leave cluster)

private void start() {     console.title = "worker";      var section = (akkaconfigurationsection)configurationmanager.getsection("akka");     var config = section.akkaconfig;      // create new actor system (a container actors)     var system = actorsystem.create("singletonactorsystem", config);     var cluster = cluster.get(system);     cluster.registeronmemberremoved(() => memberremoved(system));     var settings = new clustersingletonmanagersettings("processorcoordinatorinstance",          "worker", timespan.fromseconds(5), timespan.fromseconds(1));      var actor = system.actorof(clustersingletonmanager.props(         singletonprops: props.create<processorcoordinatoractor>(),         terminationmessage: poisonpill.instance,         settings: settings),         name: "processorcoordinator");      string line = console.readline();      if (line == "g") { //handover works         cluster.leave(cluster.selfaddress);         _leaveclusterevent.waitone();         system.shutdown();     } else { //doesn't work         system.shutdown();     } }  private async void memberremoved(actorsystem actorsystem) {     await actorsystem.terminate();     _leaveclusterevent.set(); } 


akka {     suppress-json-serializer-warning = on      actor {         provider = "akka.cluster.clusteractorrefprovider, akka.cluster"     }      remote {         helios.tcp {             port = 0             hostname = localhost         }     }      cluster {         seed-nodes = ["akka.tcp://singletonactorsystem@"]          roles = [worker]     } } 

thank @horusiath, answer totaly right! wasn't able find configuration in akka.net documentation, , didn't realize supposed take on akka documentation. thank much!

have tried set akka.cluster.auto-down-unreachable-after timeout (eg. 10 sec)? – horusiath aug 12 @ 11:27


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