javascript - How to shade between 2 lines on a line graph using chart.js version2 -

i'm new chart.js , i'm having trouble shading between 2 lines on line graph. below example of id achieve:

this example of im after

but base functionality in chart.js version 2 seems shade between line , 0 on y-axis.

here code graph have far. shade between gtupper , gtlower lines these describe range.

<html>     <div>         <canvas id="mychart"></canvas>     </div> </html>   <script>  function gengraph(y) {     // function generate graph chart.js      $(document).ready(function(){     var roomcap = 220     var prediction = [62, 65, 135, 145, 140, 120, 135, 189, 180, 175, 100, 25]     var gndtruthupper = [75, 100, 150, 175, 150, 150, 175, 200, 175, 150, 125, 100]     var gndtruthlower = [50, 50, 75, 50, 25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 125, 100, 75]      var data = {         labels: ["00", "05", "10", "15", "20", "25", "30", "35", "40", "45", "50", "55"],             datasets: [{                 label: 'prediction',                 fill: false,                 pointradius: 0,                 bordercolor: 'blue',                 data: prediction             },{                 label: 'gtupper',                 fill: true,                 pointradius: 0,                 borderdash: [10, 10],                 bordercolor: 'black',                 data: gndtruthupper               },{                 label: 'gtlower',                 fill: false,                 pointradius: 0,                 borderdash: [10, 10],                 bordercolor: 'black',                 data: gndtruthlower              }]        };        var options = {            scales: {                yaxes: [{                    ticks: {                        min: 0,                        max: roomcap                    }                }]            }        };         var ctx = document.getelementbyid("mychart").getcontext("2d");        var mychart = new chart(ctx, {            type: 'line',            data: data,            options: options        });          });     };  </script> 

my issue similar stackoverflow posts refer v1 , syntax seems have changed v1 v2. i'm bit lost how can extend base functionality in way myself. appreciated.

this should trick.
, here fiddle of plugin fill between 2 datasets.


<html>     <div>         <canvas id="mychart"></canvas>     </div> </html>   <script>  var fillbetweenlinesplugin = {     afterdatasetsdraw: function (chart) {         var ctx = chart.chart.ctx;         var xaxis = chart.scales['x-axis-0'];         var yaxis = chart.scales['y-axis-0'];         var datasets =;;          (var d = 0; d < datasets.length; d++) {             var dataset = datasets[d];             if (dataset.fillbetweenset == undefined) {                 continue;             }              // meta both data sets             var meta1 = chart.getdatasetmeta(d);             var meta2 = chart.getdatasetmeta(dataset.fillbetweenset);              ctx.beginpath();              // vars tracing             var curr, prev;              // trace set1 line             (var = 0; <; i++) {                 curr =[i];                 if (i === 0) {                     ctx.moveto(curr._view.x, curr._view.y);                     ctx.lineto(curr._view.x, curr._view.y);                     prev = curr;                     continue;                 }                 if (curr._view.steppedline === true) {                     ctx.lineto(curr._view.x, prev._view.y);                     ctx.lineto(curr._view.x, curr._view.y);                     prev = curr;                     continue;                 }                 if (curr._view.tension === 0) {                     ctx.lineto(curr._view.x, curr._view.y);                     prev = curr;                     continue;                 }                  ctx.beziercurveto(                   prev._view.controlpointnextx,                   prev._view.controlpointnexty,                   curr._view.controlpointpreviousx,                   curr._view.controlpointpreviousy,                   curr._view.x,                   curr._view.y                 );                 prev = curr;             }               // connect set1 set2 backwords trace set2 line             (var = - 1; >= 0; i--) {                 curr =[i];                 if (i === - 1) {                     ctx.lineto(curr._view.x, curr._view.y);                     prev = curr;                     continue;                 }                 if (curr._view.steppedline === true) {                     ctx.lineto(prev._view.x, curr._view.y);                     ctx.lineto(curr._view.x, curr._view.y);                     prev = curr;                     continue;                 }                 if (curr._view.tension === 0) {                     ctx.lineto(curr._view.x, curr._view.y);                     prev = curr;                     continue;                 }                  // reverse bezier                 ctx.beziercurveto(                   prev._view.controlpointpreviousx,                   prev._view.controlpointpreviousy,                   curr._view.controlpointnextx,                   curr._view.controlpointnexty,                   curr._view.x,                   curr._view.y                 );                 prev = curr;             }              ctx.closepath();             ctx.fillstyle = dataset.fillbetweencolor || "rgba(0,0,0,0.1)";             ctx.fill();         }     } // end afterdatasetsdraw }; // end fillbetweenlinesplugin  chart.pluginservice.register(fillbetweenlinesplugin);  function gengraph(y) {     // function generate graph chart.js      $(document).ready(function(){     var roomcap = 220     var prediction = [62, 65, 135, 145, 140, 120, 135, 189, 180, 175, 100, 25]     var gndtruthupper = [75, 100, 150, 175, 150, 150, 175, 200, 175, 150, 125, 100]     var gndtruthlower = [50, 50, 75, 50, 25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 125, 100, 75]      var data = {         labels: ["00", "05", "10", "15", "20", "25", "30", "35", "40", "45", "50", "55"],             datasets: [{                 label: 'prediction',                 fill: false,                 pointradius: 0,                 bordercolor: 'blue',                 data: prediction             },{                 label: 'gtupper',                 fill: false,                 pointradius: 0,                 borderdash: [10, 10],                 bordercolor: 'black',                 data: gndtruthupper,                 fillbetweenset: 2,                 fillbetweencolor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.1)'            },{                 label: 'gtlower',                 fill: false,                 pointradius: 0,                 borderdash: [10, 10],                 bordercolor: 'black',                 data: gndtruthlower              }]        };        var options = {            scales: {                yaxes: [{                    ticks: {                        min: 0,                        max: roomcap                    }                }]            }        };         var ctx = document.getelementbyid("mychart").getcontext("2d");        var mychart = new chart(ctx, {            type: 'line',            data: data,            options: options        });          });     };  gengraph();  </script> 


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