objective c - Camera view(UIImagePickerController) show different orientation for different ios devices -

i working in cocos2d-iphone , try make augmented reality game. firstly followed this tutorial face problem.

my sample code is:

#product.h  @interface product : ccnode <uiimagepickercontrollerdelegate,uinavigationcontrollerdelegate> {     uiview *overlay;     uiimagepickercontroller *cameraui; }  +(ccscene *) scene; -(void)loadcameraview;  @end 



#define camera_transform  1.24299 -(void)loadcameraview {     // prepare overlay view , add window     overlay = [[uiview alloc] initwithframe:[[uiscreen mainscreen] bounds]];     overlay.opaque = no;     overlay.backgroundcolor=[uicolor clearcolor];      cameraui = [[uiimagepickercontroller alloc] init];     cameraui.sourcetype = uiimagepickercontrollersourcetypecamera;     cameraui.showscameracontrols = no;     cameraui.toolbarhidden = yes;     cameraui.navigationbarhidden = yes;     cameraui.wantsfullscreenlayout = yes;     //cameraui.shouldautorotate = no;     cameraui.cameraviewtransform = cgaffinetransformscale(cameraui.cameraviewtransform,                                                           camera_transform, camera_transform);      [overlay addsubview:[cameraui view]];      //[[ccdirector shareddirector].view addsubview:overlay];     [appdelegate.window addsubview:overlay];      [ccdirector shareddirector].view.backgroundcolor = [uicolor clearcolor];     [ccdirector shareddirector].view.opaque = no;      //[appdelegate.navcontroller.view setuserinteractionenabled:false];     [appdelegate.window bringsubviewtofront:appdelegate.navcontroller.view];  } 

this code works fine , load camera. in various device like: iphone, ipad, ipod , in different ios version like: 7.0+, 8.0+, 9.0+, camera view don't show same view in devices, images rotate -/+90 degree or more in same orientation of devices.

so, can issue can same view?



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