python - Detecting colored circle and it's center using OpenCV -

i trying detect blue colored circle , it's center. draw circle on detected circle , small circle on it's center. few errors. (i using opencv 3.1.0, python 2.7 anaconda 64 bits, pycharm ide) (please me using python codes) run following code:

import cv2 import numpy np  cap = cv2.videocapture(0) if cap.isopened():     while(true):         frame, _ =         # blurring frame that's captured         frame_gau_blur = cv2.gaussianblur(frame, (3, 3), 0)         # converting bgr hsv         hsv = cv2.cvtcolor(frame_gau_blur, cv2.color_bgr2hsv)         # range of blue color in hsv         lower_blue = np.array([110, 50, 50])         higher_blue = np.array([130, 255, 255])         # getting range of blue color in frame         blue_range = cv2.inrange(hsv, lower_blue, higher_blue)         # getting v channel gray channel         blue_s_gray = blue_range[::2]         # applying houghcircles         circles = cv2.houghcircles(blue_s_gray, cv2.hough_gradient, 1, 10, 100, 30, 5, 50)         circles = np.uint16(np.around(circles))         in circles[0,:]:             # drawing on detected circle , center   ,(i[0],i[1]),i[2],(0,255,0),2)   ,(i[0],i[1]),2,(0,0,255),3)         cv2.imshow('circles', frame)         k = cv2.waitkey(5) & 0xff         if k == 27:             break     cv2.destroyallwindows() else:     print "can't find camera" 

the error when run code is:

opencv error: assertion failed (depth == cv_8u || depth == cv_16u || depth == cv_32f) in cv::cvtcolor, file c:\builds\master_packslaveaddon-win64-vc12-static\opencv\modules\imgproc\src\color.cpp, line 7935 traceback (most recent call last): file "c:/users/meliodas/pycharmprojects/opencv_by_examples/", line 11, in hsv = cv2.cvtcolor(frame_gau_blur, cv2.color_bgr2hsv) cv2.error: c:\builds\master_packslaveaddon-win64-vc12-static\opencv\modules\imgproc\src\color.cpp:7935: error: (-215) depth == cv_8u || depth == cv_16u || depth == cv_32f in function cv::cvtcolor

thanks lot in advance help!

i have solved problem , after looking meanings of errors online (the one's got), able find solutions them , hence able solve them. if run following code given below should able detect blue circles pretty well. lot people tried me solve problem.

the code given below:

import cv2 import numpy np  cap = cv2.videocapture(0) if cap.isopened():     while(true):         ret, frame =         # blurring frame that's captured         frame_gau_blur = cv2.gaussianblur(frame, (3, 3), 0)         # converting bgr hsv         hsv = cv2.cvtcolor(frame_gau_blur, cv2.color_bgr2hsv)         # range of blue color in hsv         lower_blue = np.array([110, 50, 50])         higher_blue = np.array([130, 255, 255])         # getting range of blue color in frame         blue_range = cv2.inrange(hsv, lower_blue, higher_blue)         res_blue = cv2.bitwise_and(frame_gau_blur,frame_gau_blur, mask=blue_range)         blue_s_gray = cv2.cvtcolor(res_blue, cv2.color_bgr2gray)         canny_edge = cv2.canny(blue_s_gray, 50, 240)         # applying houghcircles         circles = cv2.houghcircles(canny_edge, cv2.hough_gradient, dp=1, mindist=10, param1=10, param2=20, minradius=100, maxradius=120)         cir_cen = []         if circles != none:             # circles = np.uint16(np.around(circles))             in circles[0,:]:                 # drawing on detected circle , center       ,(i[0],i[1]),i[2],(0,255,0),2)       ,(i[0],i[1]),2,(0,0,255),3)                 cir_cen.append((i[0],i[1]))         print cir_cen         cv2.imshow('circles', frame)         cv2.imshow('gray', blue_s_gray)         cv2.imshow('canny', canny_edge)         k = cv2.waitkey(5) & 0xff         if k == 27:             break     cv2.destroyallwindows() else:     print 'no cam' 


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