Perl- searching for values in one file which could be present in another -

i have file following list of products mentioned :

dl750-12d1 dl750-12d2 dl750-12d3 dl750-12d4 dl750-12d5 dl750-12d6 dl750-12d9 dl750-12d11 

i have file contains list of json objects follows:

 {       "type": "dl750-12d5",       "productlevelsimcheck": false,       "hwcompatibilitycheck": true,       "fwversioncheck": true,       "configcheck": true,       "createdat": "2016-07-23t04:00:00.000z",       "active": true,       "imeirequired": true,       "hwcompatibility": "01 01 01 01 01 00 00 00",       "fwversion": "d6.57",       "config": "tmc02",       "generation": "gen 2",       "modifiedby": "chanakyav",       "updatedat": "2016-07-28t17:42:48.249z",       "id": "5794182ba6832e7056349c76"     } 

how 1 search if list of products listed in products page can found in product json page. , there way list if product not present in json page?

i have implemented following code in perl, doesn't fetch me results :

#!c:/dwimperl/perl/bin/perl.exe   use file::slurp;  #open (pl, "c:/pannaga/projdocs/prod/products_list.txt"); #open file, "<c:/pannaga/projdocs/prod/products_page_json.txt"; open(out,'>', "c:/pannaga/projdocs/prod/output.txt");   @file1 = {     open $fh, "<", "c:/pannaga/projdocs/prod/products_list.txt"         or die "could not open $filename: $!";     <$fh>; };  $count =0; $i (0 .. $#file1) {        $count++;       $find = $file1[$i];        print out "$count -->line matched $find\n";   @line =  {     open $fh2, "<", "c:/pannaga/projdocs/prod/products_page_json.txt"         or die "could not open $filename: $!";     <$fh2>; };  $j (0 .. $#line) {      if (index($line[j], $file1[$i]) != -1) {    print "'$line[j]' contains '$file1[$i]'\n"; } }        }  close(out); 

please try this:

use strict; use warnings; use cwd;  $lopfile = "listofprod.txt"; $jsonfile = "lop.json";  ($tmp,$jsontxt) = ""; open(lop, $lopfile) || die "can't open file '$lopfile': $!\n"; { local $/; $_ = <lop>; $tmp = $_; } close(lop);  @listofprod = split/\s/, $tmp; #print join "\n", @listofprod;  open(jsn, $jsonfile) || die "can't open file '$jsonfile': $!\n"; { local $/; $_ = <jsn>; $jsontxt = $_; } close(jsn);  open(out, ">report.txt") || die "can't create file 'report.txt': $!\n"; for(0..$#listofprod) {     if($jsontxt=~m/$listofprod[$_]/g)     {         print out "yes: it's matched '$listofprod[$_]'...\n";     }     else     {         print out "no: it's not matched '$listofprod[$_]'...\n";     } } close(out); 


 no: it's not matched 'dl750-12d1'...  no: it's not matched 'dl750-12d2'...  yes: it's matched 'dl750-12d3'...  no: it's not matched 'dl750-12d4'...  yes: it's matched 'dl750-12d5'...  no: it's not matched 'dl750-12d6'...  yes: it's matched 'dl750-12d9'...  no: it's not matched 'dl750-12d11'... 


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