r - shinydashboard does not work with uiOutput -

i setup ui in server.r more control, shinydashboard not work when defined in server.r. use method navbarpage without problems.

this code works

library(shiny)      library(shinydashboard)  ui     <- dashboardpage(  dashboardheader( ),                            dashboardsidebar(),                           dashboardbody()   )  server <- shinyserver(function(input, output) {   }) runapp(list(ui= ui, server = server)) 

but 1 show empty page

ui     <-  uioutput('dash') server <- shinyserver(function(input, output) {    output$dash <- renderui({        dashboardpage(dashboardheader( ),                    dashboardsidebar(),                   dashboardbody()  )   })  }) runapp(list(ui= ui, server = server)) 

this example using navbarpage, works fine

ui     <-  uioutput('nav') server <- shinyserver(function(input, output) {    output$nav <- renderui({        navbarpage("app title",                  tabpanel("tab 1"),                    tabpanel("tab 2")  )    }) })   runapp(list(ui= ui, server = server)) 

i don't think can use uioutput create dashboard. i'm assuming goal create dynamic dashboard. need define header, body , side bar in ui , use functions such rendermenu on server create it. here example create dashboard ui defined in server.

ui <- dashboardpage(   dashboardheader(title = "my page"),   dashboardsidebar(sidebarmenuoutput("sidebar_menu_ui")),   dashboardbody(     uioutput("body_ui"),     uioutput("test_ui")   ) )  server <- shinyserver(function(input, output, session) {    output$sidebar_menu_ui <- rendermenu({     sidebarmenu(id = "sidebar_menu",       menuitem("menu 1", tabname="menu1_tab", icon = icon("calendar")),       menuitem("menu 2", tabname="menu2_tab", icon = icon("database"))     )   })    output$test_ui <- renderui ({     tabitems(       tabitem(tabname = "menu1_tab", uioutput("menu1_ui")),       tabitem(tabname = "menu2_tab", uioutput("menu2_ui"))     )   })   output$body_ui <- renderui ({     p("default content in body outsite sidebar menus.")   })   output$menu1_ui <- renderui ({     box("menu 1 content")   })   output$menu2_ui <- renderui ({     box("menu 2 content")   })  })  runapp(list(ui= ui, server = server)) 

in example, menu sidebar not selected default , content of body_ui visible time. if want dashboard starts on specific menu, put sidebarmenu in ui. can delete body_ui.


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