angularjs - Angular could not resolve from state -

i used jhipster generate app , tried add 2 different types of forms, both use same entity (one wouldn't use fields in entity , other use all).

now, works alright for:

    .state('xyz', {         parent: 'entity',         url: '/xyz',         data: {             authorities: ['role_user'],             pagetitle: 'xyzs'         },         views: {             'content@': {                 templateurl: 'app/entities/xyz/xyzs.html',                 controller: 'xyzcontroller',                 controlleras: 'vm'             }         },         resolve: {         }     }).state('', {         parent: 'xyz',         url: '/new',         data: {             authorities: ['role_user']         },         onenter: ['$stateparams', '$state', '$uibmodal', function($stateparams, $state, $uibmodal) {             ${                 templateurl: 'app/entities/xyz/xyz-dialog.html',                 controller: 'xyzdialogcontroller',                 controlleras: 'vm',                 backdrop: 'static',                 size: 'lg',                 resolve: {                     entity: function () {                         return {                             ...                         };                     }                 }             }).result.then(function() {                 $state.go('xyz', null, { reload: true });             }, function() {                 $state.go('xyz');             });         }]     }) 

and works alright, if change small bit , use:

    .state('xyz', {         parent: 'entity',         url: '/xyz',         data: {             authorities: ['role_user'],             pagetitle: 'xyzs'         },         views: {             'content@': {                 templateurl: 'app/entities/xyz/xyzs.html',                 controller: 'xyzcontroller',                 controlleras: 'vm'             }         },         resolve: {         }     }).state('', {         parent: 'xyz',         url: '/a/new',         data: {             authorities: ['role_user']         },         onenter: ['$stateparams', '$state', '$uibmodal', function($stateparams, $state, $uibmodal) {             ${                 templateurl: 'app/entities/xyz/a-xyz-dialog.html',                 controller: 'xyzdialogcontroller',                 controlleras: 'vm',                 backdrop: 'static',                 size: 'lg',                 resolve: {                     entity: function () {                         return {                             ...                         };                     }                 }             }).result.then(function() {                 $state.go('xyz', null, { reload: true });             }, function() {                 $state.go('xyz');             });         }]     }) 

and i've change ui-sref="" ui-sref="" in html template

i'm getting error:

error: not resolve '' state 'xyz' transitionto@http://localhost:9000/bower_components/angular-ui-router/release/angular-ui-router.js:3180:17 go@http://localhost:9000/bower_components/angular-ui-router/release/angular-ui-router.js:3108:14 clickhook/</transition<@http://localhost:9000/bower_components/angular-ui-router/release/angular-ui-router.js:4158:9 timeout/timeoutid<@http://localhost:9000/bower_components/angular/angular.js:19157:28 completeoutstandingrequest@http://localhost:9000/bower_components/angular/angular.js:5869:7 browser/self.defer/timeoutid<@http://localhost:9000/bower_components/angular/angular.js:6145:7 

the dot notation used indicate child state parent state. may refer link better understanding of nested views/states.

nested views

go through this:

why parent state must exist

one parent can have multiple child states. so, if parent state 'xyz', can multiple child states 'xyz.a', 'xyz.b', 'xyz.c' etc.


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