rules - Scrapy - target specified URLs only -

am using scrapy browse , collect data, finding spider crawling lots of unwanted pages. i'd prefer spider begin set of defined pages , parse content on pages , finish. i've tried implement rule below it's still crawling whole series of other pages well. suggestions on how approach this?

rules = (     rule(sgmllinkextractor(), callback='parse_adlinks', follow=false),   ) 


your extractor extracting every link because doesn't have rule arguments set.

if take @ official documentation, you'll notice scrapy linkextractors have lots of parameters can set customize linkextractors extract.


rules = (     # specific domain links     rule(lxmllinkextractor(allow_domains=['', '']), <..>),       # links match specific regex     rule(lxmllinkextractor(allow='.+?/page\d+.html)', <..>),       # don't crawl speicific file extensions     rule(lxmllinkextractor(deny_extensions=['.pdf','.html'], <..>),   ) 

you can set allowed domains spider if don't want wonder off somewhere:

class myspider(scrapy.spider):     allowed_domains = ['']     # crawl pages domain ^ 


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